Sunday, January 3, 2010


So like I warned thing 1 and thing 2 they went and got themselves EVICTED. Now had they looked that word up in the dictionary or even googled it they would of known that it would leave them homeless. I told the thing that belongs to me that he and the 3 kids could hang here but he is "in love" with her. Even though she went to the office and got herself a sweet deal of having just him evicted and lied that she had been abused by him in order to get that deal. She sat on couch and pouted that day that "I" had to ruin it for all of them. I'd like to know how I ruined anything when they lived in the filth day after day didn't pay the rent on time or take care of the apartment or anything in it and it's "MY FAULT" go figure. Don't let me forget to mention the office woman wanted me to pay $951.00 so "SHE" could live there. I told office woman she isn't my problem and that if they would switch the deal that she had to get out I'd write a check. Office woman then goes on to tell me since he "abused" her that she couldn't. I said abused her how by babysitting and working and taking care of the kids while she is off hanging with other men and known drug users....okay whatever lady. Office woman says he should of "been a man" and handled it with the office. I said he was busy taking care of the kids and thought she was handling that part. He still loves her to this day 2 months later and still homeless....they just drag the kids from one house to the next for the handouts they can receive. She loves him before the check comes and want's to break up the minute the money is know a fool and his money are soon parted. It's like Groundhogs day....same shit with her dragging behind like a shadow you can't flick off ya.... I suppose she will eventualy find someone willing to take her in of the opposite sex and he will have his heart broken....I'm over his hurt at this point just worry about the kids and if the are fed and clean and being loved instead of dirty and hungry and being used.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Joyce Show

(as you hear Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful playing in the background)

Scent oops Scene 1 apartment #150 door opens waft of rotten milk and 17 diapers on the what you can see of the floor woman on couch with arms bent in ackward positions snoring while your son (err being you bred but now appears to have none of the characteristics of yourself any longer including the fact that he has truly lost his mind from woman sleeping on the couch) babies crying kids screaming (WARNING THIS IS NOT A COUNTRY SONG AND NO TRAINS WERE HURT DURING THE MAKING OF THIS SHOW...SO FAR ONLY CHILDREN AND GRANDPARENTS NOW BACK TO THE SHOW....BEEEPPPPPP) sleeping and snoring. Kids in overfull diapers now stained yellow from well you know what from one kid naked other than dirty diaper other child (would a jumprope be considered clothing?? who knows what world you live in even the voices inside my head couln't agree on this one.. )also naked except diaper. you ask "Where's kid 3? upstairs in room. You run up to room nope there is no kid #3 in room. Kid 3 is under a blanket next too dumbass 1 and dumbass 2. You tell them if you don't clean you'll be evicted...mother like being wakes up to say "there's nothing wrong with how we live our lives... then leans up to text on her new cell phone....You can't help but tell her "Hey enjoy it in 30 days it will be shut off like everything else including your electric... Mrs. Wondeful...oh I forgot that's my theme song not me well actually it is me but whatever...then cleans the kitchen for next 5 hours....16 wads of gum and countess other virus that you mighta needed a shot for next flu season had I not killed it with my pure brute strength and the bottle of bleach spray I found under sink.....Dumbass 2 wants to know where cleaning supplies came from you remind the mother like being you bought them 2 months ago bad she can't do anything but puton makeup and take sexy beooootcchh pictures of herself all night. Unbeknowest to her you can actually clean with brushes just like the ones she puts her Star Trek whore makeup on with....scene clothes...wait admit it Mrs. Wonderful even you didn't dare the basement I was sure the 107 lb mound of clothes in the basement might of taken me out .... hold on this is more like the 3006 episode...tune in same bat time same bat channel....wait the bats are floating in mother like beings head as nothing else resides there.... Peace out for now...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reflections of water droplets on the windshield of life...

Okay soooo today it was ghastly outside like H.O.T. and humidity off the charts so I packed up the younguns and headed for the beach. We swam and people watched half the afternoon away. It was bliss....all I could think of laying there on that beach seat that I borrowed from my kid is this is the life.. Warm breeze, cold sand, cool water and just laughter all around. Loved it. Then I drive home ended up shopping at the Old Navy where I literally stole the clothes of that mannequin...what's her name? Jill? Jill your taste in clothes was good girl but that blue scarf is way more me than you! I got home from shopping to a fully cooked dinner that was delish and a couch full of company. My living room as large as it is decreases in size quickly when you have couches and chairs full of opinions errrr I mean people. As I took Lily my granddaughter to pick out some big girl panties at the local Walmart ...that maybe it's time I put mine back on. Im not pointing fingers really I don't want to do that. We could all point at each other and state he she we coulda woulda shoulda all day long. At the end of my very fun filled day as I drove Lily from Walmart to home and realized that somewhere in between her world and mine it had rained a hard rain...none in one spot then alot in the next that life is like that a rain storm doesn't always rain in the same spots at the same time but all of us have our moments of the rain and the blame and the Im better than you's but really we aren't we are all the same..we are a family maybe a dysfunctional one maybe today your kid is behaving better than hers or his or there's but next time it might be yours acting up.We all strive to be the best we can be so lets turn the wipers to high on life and flip the rain off for a clear view.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Part time-Full time...about time!

I was let go in a most unconventional way from my last employer. The sentence that sent me into unemployment was "Due to the minipulation of your situation of your deception. You've been eliminated !". To say that I am bitter after the 8 1/2 years I invested in that company is hmmm lets say understandable. I won't go into great detail but I was let go by the (not allegedly) convicted pedophile office manager (who by the way was reconvicted on new charges after my dismissal.) He(allegedly) had to have emergency surgery the last full day of work I saw him at. For his (alleged) vicodin addiction in which he was (allegedly) allowed to roam the halls in full white coat costume and (allegedly) talk like House on TV for 3 days until his (alleged) instestines collasped and he needed (alleged) surgery. But I had deception, he couldn't name what it was at the time of my dismissal so I called the owner she told me I put a phone number was disconnected when it wasn't (the word allegedly was not used in any converstion that included me :o) ) . Okay whatever. After listening to her spew how we were a family and loved and valued at every "meeting" for the last 8 years I found out it was all BS....big big BS. So now I am happily after 14 months of unemployment in which I searched daily because I LOVE work LOVE LOVE LOVE it was finally hired in as part time.....then the sweet young college girl who does work full time told me she is leaving to go to school I'm getting FULL TIME...and it's about time. :o) Like I said I love to work. Believe in work. Like the accomplishments of work. Happily sip my warm sugar and milk with a bit of coffee in it cup on the way there every morning. THANK YOU WORK MOJO JOJO.For sending me there on an email and a prayer. I like them I like them all just diverse enough for me to make the day interesting and I hope they think the same about me.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why lie? When the truth shall set you free!

I used to be a twentysomething woman who thought I knew eveything about the world. Thought I had it all figured out. I just hadn't realized what "all" would entail. I ponder today Why lie? Why do people lie about things that don't need lied about? Im a firm believer in little white lies you know the kind. The ones when you tell your coworker (who by the way really doesn't like you and takes all your overtime herself ) asks how that hidious new teal shirt looks on her? The fact that it looks like a green one that went through the laundry one to many times doesn't come out of my mouth....NO if fact I tell her it looks great on her. Knowing all full well that that shirt actually wouldn't really look good on anyone in fact you doubt seriously if Goodwill would sell it is truly that bad. Doesn't she deserve that white lie? How about when you tell your mother your job is going well and you need to rest since you work midnights even though you lost your job a week ago. Is that white lie, serious lie, unforgivable, or unfathomable lie? Did I mention they have three kids to feed? a girlfriend who sits on and talks to her elovers all night while your kid works...eerrr worked . The truth likes to slap us in the face sometimes....too bad they made it illegal to pass that slap on.